Recounting Elder Friedmann's Adventures in the Alpine German-Speaking Mission

Sonntag, 27. Juli 2014

21.07.2014 Pascal´s news

Dear friends,
well, what can I say. The summer holidays have definitely hit home here in the Züricher Unterland. Church attendance fell to about 25 this week, mostly because our two biggest families in the branch are on vacation. Record low for my time here is 11. We`ll get there, I`m pretty sure. However, there were thankfully some people who jumped in to raise our numbers: Sister W______, who was baptized a while ago, came to Church for the first time in months, stayed the whole three hours, and said she loved it. She also says she`ll come back every Sunday now if she can. It`s a lot similar to Sister A_____`s story. She also pretty much "reactivated herself" a while ago, which is so lovely :) It just came to show that there are, probably in every ward or branch, people who don`t come to Church but would love to if they were just invited by someone. So...I challenge all of you to invite someone to Church next month who is on your ward`s memberlist but doesn`t come all the time. And then you watch the miracles happen :)
G_____ also came to Church again, despite the horrendous week he had at work. He said he`d been working in three different cities within the two days prior to yesterday and had rarely slept. He still came for the first two hours and really seemed to enjoy it. :) The funniest thing was when we asked him if he`d like to be taught a lesson in a separate room or if he would stay for Sunday School in the chapel with the rest of the branch. He thought for a moment and was like, "There`s so few people at Church today, I think you need me here in Sunday School!" haha that was precious. :) I don`t think I`ve ever been more amused about a lesson not happening...

Talking about lessons: This week was truly a BREAKTHROUGH week, lessonwise that is. We taught not two, not two, not two, but indeed THREE lessons! First, there is a man that Bonstetten Elders found for us. I went on a split with Elder Dewey to teach this man named R______. Tons of prepared, tons of good lesson! He is really busy though but we`ll stay in touch. New investigator number 1! We also taught a couple that showed up at Schwamendingen Church last Sunday, H____ and N_____. They are super awesome and really concerned about how they can strengthen their family. Well, we might have something for them! :) We got another appointment with them for tomorrow, we`ll see how it goes :) New investigators 2 and 3! Finally, we got to see the R_____ family again! They are so sweet. What an angelic less active/part member family! :) We scheduled this appointment...let me in my second week in Dielsdorf. Three months ago. They can only meet during the holidays, which is why we got a "return appointment" for fall break, so to say. haha I wish we could meet them more, and them giving us home-baked bread and ice cream sure isn`t the only reason for that :)

We also got to go to the Temple. It was such a great day! :) I love the Temple more each time I go. I`m so glad we can go there once a transfer! :)

Random AGSM Moment: I gave a talk in Sacrament this Sunday, on preparation for the Temple. Well...I wasn`t really sure what to tell people and quite sincerely, the references that I got with the assignment didn`t help too much. What would I talk about then? Think closely. Y`all know Elder Friedmann well enough to guess right. I talked about the Temple and how...the YOUNG WOMEN`S VALUES prepare us for the Temple! :) haha it ended up being a little less random than I thought it would be, or than it sounds now in retrospect. (Un)fortunately no young women were present at Church this Sunday so there was no need for me to hide from them, in an attempt to deter their admiration for me. It reminded me of the fact though that I definitely want to marry someone who holds dear the YW values. Anyone?! haha :)  

Have a great week! :)

Elder Friedmann   

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