4,588,601. That's the number of people that like mormon.org on facebook right now. It has nothing to do with this post but I just think it's amazing and I feel I should share it. Social media are just such a neat, non-intruisive way to share the Gospel! If some stranger knocked on my door and told me he would like to speak to me about Jesus, how many people would not open the door, even if they were receptive for the message if they just listened? A lot. Heck yes. But if a friend shared an inspirational quote or video from mormon.org on my facebook profile, that would get me much more interested :) Social media is the Missionary tool number one of the future and even of the present. And millions will join the Church because of the inspiration they receive from things shared on facebook, twitter and pinterest. Now, that's amazing! :)
So, I invite everyone who reads this to share a Mormon message or a quote as their status or on a friend's wall right after reading this post, and watch the magic happen :) It really works, I promise.
What this post (my first blog post) back in Germany is about is a very statistical spiritual breakdown. haha. I don't know if anyone really cares. But maybe it will be interesting. Now, be aware that I don't really know what I'm going to write. I'll just let the Spirit guide. 1 Nephi 4:6 practical application right here! :)
What a great year it was! Here are some highlights:
Baptisms are so amazing! I wrote about it in my last post (check it out :) ). I had the pleasure to attend yet another one here in Germany this weekend, but this is not all! There have been four converts baptized this year in my ward in Germany this year. As far as I can tell all are still active and strong :) Of people I know (like really), Martin and Adrian got baptized, but there were many, many more I got closer to after they joined the Church. Altogether I've attended some 15 to 20 baptisms this year and if I somehow can make it, I'm usually there if I can because it's so important to show support to those going this important step :)
I am blessed with so many friends who are serving Missions, many (Sisters in particular) who have left this year. Those include:
- Sister Kartchner in Washington Federal Way
- Sister Horlacher in Cape Verde Praia
- Sister Horlacher in Kentucky Louisville
- Sister Whatcott in Tennessee Knoxville
- Sister Sheridan in Denmark Copenhagen
- Sister Packard in Denmark Copenhagen
- Sister Nielsen in Ukraine Lviv
- Sister Zisumbo in North Carolina Raleigh
- Sister Alston in South Dakota Rapid City
- Sister Watts in Russia Vladivostok
- Sister Gamble in Washington Kennewick
- Sister Bailey in Australia Brisbane
- Sister Boudesoque in New Jersey Morristown
- Sister Hassard in Ukraine Doneczk
- Sister Schumacher in Brazil Porto Alegre North
- Sister Frederiksen in Hawaii Honululu
- Sister Rogers in Canada Calgary
- Sister Tribe in Canada Montreal
- Sister Ungermann in Alabama Birmingham
- Sister Hamblin in Massachusetts Boston
- Sister Carter in Spain Barcelona
- and my biggest hero of all, Sister Starr in Georgia Atlanta
- Elder Evans in Chile Antofagasta
- Elder Billings in Canada Edmunton
- Elder Ferguson in Singapore
- Elder Christensen in Alabama Birmingham
I have probably forgotten tons of people, but with the exception of a few, all those above have something in common. I went to their farewells. Wow. What a year it has been for my Missionary friends :) I definitely have some amazing company :) Not to mention all those who leave soon. This list would be a little too outrageous haha ;)
My Mission call!
I've been called to the Alpine German-Speaking Mission to do something full-time that I've done all along...Missionary work! :) I'm so excited!! Getting a call from the Prophet of God to serve in the Mission out of 405 that is for YOU.
Going through the Temple
...because a Mission isn't a saving ordinance, but this is. Thanks to my buddy Danny Rubio (curtesy of the Massachussets Boston Mission) for taking me :) A day I will never forget! Here's proof :)
That will do. What a great year 2013! What a great year 2014 ahead :) See you then! :)
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